The best digital talent is at ticjob!
Consigue el match perfecto con nuestra comunidad 100% Tech.
Register companyIT job offers
Post your IT job offers aimed exclusively at Tech profiles. We will give them maximum visibility.
Double search BBDD
Access our 100% Tech database, freely use the semantic search engine and the matrix search engine to filter by exact technologies and their level of expertise.

Employer branding
Increase your visibility through our customized impulses throughout our network of partners and social media (RRSS, mailing, specific groups, etc...)
Our clients recommend us
Freddy R. Contreras López
“Con ticjob optimizamos el proceso de reclutamiento de talento humano TIC, contribuyendo al cumplimiento de objetivos clave para alcanzar los niveles de competitividad y productividad necesarios para enfrentar cambios y desafíos estratégicos de nuestra organización”
Fernando Polo Bastardés
"Ticjob ha sido un importante aliado en nuestros procesos de adquisición de talento. Ofrece una plataforma amigable y robusta para perfiles de TI, lo que ha supuesto un apoyo importante en los procesos de la compañía."
Ingrid Hernandez
"Ticjob nos ha permitido realizar búsquedas más eficientes en el sector de las TIC. Ticjob está conformado por un gran equipo de trabajo, dispuesto siempre a brindar apoyo a sus clientes."
They publish their job postings on
Employer branding
We create a site with fully personalized multimedia content, links to your website, enriched SEO text and all your job offers.
Tailored impulses
Dissemination of your job offers on social networks such as Linkedin, Google for Jobs and many more through the design of personalized posts.
Direct access to our community of IT training partners, events and technology fairs in which we are present.
100% Tech
Only IT profiles
Our quality team reviews and validates all registered profiles and published offers so that they meet our 100% IT standards.
Filter by expertise
Segment by level of experience in the different technologies of the matrix search engine to achieve an even more exact search.
Active candidates
Filter all your searches with candidates that are currently available and optimize your contacts to streamline your recruitment processes.
Save time
CV Alerts
Create your CV alerts with the criteria you want to receive daily the new registered IT profiles that match your requirements.
Massive mailing
Select the candidates that best fit your criteria in the search results and contact them all simultaneously by email.
ATS Integration
Do you work with any ATS? We integrate through our API so that you can publish your offers and receive applications from the same place.
IT Challenge
Choose the theme you desire
We can do the challenge that best suits your company, for your students, java profiles, cyber profiles, etc.
First level jury experts
Between 10 and 30 experts in the tech field will be the jury for each challenge, they can be university professors, gurus...
Access to +200 people
You also would have access to the tests plus all the the contact information of the participants.
40 questions
40 questions for +200 participants. There will be 20 finalists and only 1 winner, get the best IT talent.
Our technology partners
Get in contact with us
+ 57 1 3058170857*Hours of operation: Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.